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How roccamore Achieved ROAS 27x with Direct Mail
How roccamore Achieved ROAS 27x with Direct Mail
How roccamore Achieved ROAS 27x with Direct Mail
55,000+ trusted Businesses
How roccamore Achieved ROAS 27x with Direct Mail
The Short Version
1) A simple letter drove repeat purchases from customers without marketing permissions.
2) Roccamore achieved an average ROAS of 27x across two campaigns, with a 6.4% conversion rate. Their AOV was 43% higher than average, while their return rate was more than halved.
3) Roccamore now plans to automate direct mail with Postbuddy, establishing it as a cornerstone in their marketing strategy.
Roccamore and the Many Shoes
In an effort to support their Italian manufacturers from going bankrupt, roccamore ordered more shoes than they could sell - putting a strain on their cash flow. In response, they made a rare decision to run a sale exclusively for existing customers. To catch 'em all, Postbuddy came to the rescue.
The Challenge: When Email Works - But Only Gets You Halfway
You can’t say e-commerce without saying email marketing. It’s an essential growth channel, but its popularity comes with a downside: customers’ inboxes are overflowing. A major challenge is that customers rarely open emails or never give marketing consent in the first place. At roccamore, email open rates were high and the impact strong. But for the customers without no permission or engagement, there were no tools left to bring them back.
"Email is our most important channel for driving repeat purchases, and it works really well, but the part of our customer base without email permission is much harder to reach"
Monica Trabjerg, Head of eCommerce at roccamore
This isn’t an uncommon problem. When we analyze new customers at Postbuddy, we often find that 60-80% of their email list is inactive
The Solution: A Personal Touch That Brings Customers Back
Despite iOS updates making attribution trickier, eCommerce brands still expect their marketing efforts to be measurable - and roccamore was no exception. They had long wanted to experiment with printed media, but the cost was too high, and the channel lacked the data-driven precision they were used to.
Fast-forward a few months, and Postbuddy entered the picture. Direct mail had become as easy, personalized and trackable as email - just like they knew from Klaviyo.
With direct mail, roccamore could deliver their marketing straight into customers’ hands - literally. Not only because physical mail stands out in an empty mailbox, but also because it is exempt from marketing consent regulations. At Postbuddy, we don’t see direct mail as a replacement for email - we see it as a powerful vitamin boost. The letter only comes into play when email has failed to activate a customer.
"Just like getting an email was exciting 20 years ago, a letter has that same effect today. It’s a marketing channel that customers remember - a personal experience that stands out, in a time when we’re all bombarded with digital ads."
Monica Trabjerg, Head of eCommerce at roccamore
Once you acquire a new customer, the #1 priority is to drive the repurchase. Each subsequent purchase increases the likelihood of higher lifetime value.
For roccamore’s first campaign, the goal was to reactivate previous customers through two targeted segments:
Winback: Customers who purchased once, didn’t give email marketing consent, and hadn’t made a repeat purchase after 6 months.
VIP Reactivation: Customers who had purchased 5+ times but hadn’t given email marketing consent.
To launch quickly, roccamore sent the same letter to both segments. The design was simple, on-brand, and unmistakably roccamore - soft pink with a strong message from their founder, Frederikke Antonie Schmidt.
Den korte version
1) Et simpelt brev skabte genkøb fra kunder uden samtykke til markedsføring.
2) Roccamore opnåede en gennemsnitlig ROAS på 27x og over to kampagner og en konverteringsrate på 6,4%. Deres AOV var derudover 43% højere end den gennemsnitlige ordre, mens returraten blev mere end halveret.
3) Roccamore vil nu automatisere brevene med Postbuddy, så kanalen kan spille en permanent rolle i deres markedsføring.
Roccamore og de mange sko
I et forsøg på at hjælpe deres italienske producenter fra at gå konkurs, havde roccamore bestilt flere sko end de kunne sælge - og derfor blev deres egen likviditet også presset. Helt ekstraordinært, så valgte de at afholde et udsalg for eksisterende kunder. I et forsøg på at aktivere hele deres kundebase, supplerede roccamore deres markedsføring med breve.
Udfordringen: når email virker, men kun får dig halvdelen af vejen
Det er svært at sige webshop uden at sige email marketing. Kanalen er en absolut nødvendighed, hvis man gerne vil vækste sin forretning. Af samme årsag er den populær, men hos kunderne kan det også mærkes, på deres fyldte indbakker. En stor udfordring er derfor, at mange kunder sjældent åbner emails eller giver samtykke til markedsføring i første omgang. Hos roccamore var åbningsraterne usædvanligt høje og effekten stor, men når kunderne ikke havde givet samtykke eller var stoppet med at åbne emails, så var der ingen redskaber tilbage i værktøjskassen.
Email er vores vigtigste kanal til at skabe genkøb og fungerer rigtig godt, men den del af vores kundebase, der ikke har afgivet permission til email, kan være svære at målrette.
Monica Trabjerg, Head of eCommerce hos roccamore
Når vi hos Postbuddy foretager de indledende analyser hos vores kunder, så er det ikke unormalt, at 60-80% af kundebasen er inaktive på email.
Løsningen: en personlig kommunikation, som får kunderne tilbage
Selvom iOS opdateringer har kompliceret attribuering, så har webshops stadig en forventning om at deres markedsføring skal kunne måles. Roccamore er ikke anderledes. De havde længe gerne ville eksperimentere med trykte medier, men var ikke kommet i gang, fordi prisen var for høj, og kanalen ikke kunne matche deres datadrevne tilgang.
Spol tiden nogle måneder frem og en fugl havde sunget om Postbuddy, som nu havde gjort det lige så let at sende breve som emails. Triggerbaseret, personligt og målbart - ligesom de kendte det fra Klaviyo.
Med breve kunne roccamore igen få markedsføring i hænderne på alle deres kunder. Bogstaveligt talt. Ikke kun fordi at postkassen er tom, men også fordi at fysisk post er undtaget fra markedsføringsloven §10, som kræver samtykke til markedsføring. Hos Postbuddy anskuer vi ikke brevene som en erstatning for email, men en virkelig effektiv vitaminpille. Brevet skal først bruges, når det ikke har været muligt at aktivere kunden på email.
Ligesom det var spændende at modtage en email for 20 år siden, så har brevet den samme effekt i dag. Det er en type markedsføring som vores kunder husker, og en oplevelse, der er meget værd i en tid, hvor vi alle bliver bombarderet med digitale annoncer. Særligt for vores kundebase, som er meget loyale overfor brandet og vores allervigtigste ambassadører.
Monica Trabjerg, Head of eCommerce hos roccamore
Når først man har fået en ny kunde, så er førsteprioriteten at få kunden til at købe igen. Hver gang en kunde kommer igen, er det nemlig endnu mere sandsynligt, at de bliver ved med at købe og at livstidsværdien bliver øget. Derfor var udgangspunktet for roccamore’s første kampagne at reaktivere gamle kunder, hvor der blev foretaget to segmenteringer:
Winback: Kunder som har købt én gang, ikke har givet samtykke til email markedsføring og ikke har foretaget et genkøb efter 6 måneder.
VIP Reaktivering: Kunder som har købt +5 gange, men ikke har givet samtykke til email markedsføring.
For hurtigst muligt at komme i gang med Postbuddy, valgte roccamore at sende det samme brev til begge segmenter. Designet var simpelt og helt i tråd med deres identitet: lyserødt og med et stærkt budskab fra deres grundlægger, Frederikke Antonie Schmidt.

With Postbuddy’s seamless Shopify integration, roccamore could track revenue in real time and dynamically scale their budget—investing more as results rolled in.
The Results: 27x ROAS and a New World of Opportunities
What started as a fun experiment quickly turned into a game-changing marketing channel. Postbuddy’s attribution window runs for 60 days, but the conclusion was clear after just one week: this was the first, but not the last time roccamore would use direct mail.
Here’s how the numbers played out:
ROAS 12x on Winback.
ROAS 42.7x on VIP Reactivation.
On average, roccamore achieved a ROAS of 27x, with returns automatically excluded to provide true net results.
"While a ROAS of nearly 43x is impressive, what excites us the most is the Winback segment. These are customers we simply couldn't reactivate with our existing setup."
Monica Trabjerg, Head of eCommerce at roccamore
Roccamore is now working closely with the Postbuddy team to turn insights from their first campaign into a long-term strategy. Moving forward, when a customer meets certain criteria, a personalized letter is automatically triggered. The approach is simple: mirror the top-performing email flows and apply them to direct mail. Suddenly, the other half of the customer base is reached.
The integration between Postbuddy and Klaviyo makes the process seamless. In Klaviyo, roccamore are able to extend existing email flows with postcards - Abandoned Cart, Birthday, Low Stock etc.
With direct mail now a central pillar of their marketing strategy, we at Postbuddy can’t wait to see what they achieve next!
If you want to learn more about Postbuddy, reach us monday to sunday at christian@postbuddy.dk or +45 40 47 76 38.
With Postbuddy’s seamless Shopify integration, roccamore could track revenue in real time and dynamically scale their budget—investing more as results rolled in.
The Results: 27x ROAS and a New World of Opportunities
What started as a fun experiment quickly turned into a game-changing marketing channel. Postbuddy’s attribution window runs for 60 days, but the conclusion was clear after just one week: this was the first, but not the last time roccamore would use direct mail.
Here’s how the numbers played out:
ROAS 12x on Winback.
ROAS 42.7x on VIP Reactivation.
On average, roccamore achieved a ROAS of 27x, with returns automatically excluded to provide true net results.
"While a ROAS of nearly 43x is impressive, what excites us the most is the Winback segment. These are customers we simply couldn't reactivate with our existing setup."
Monica Trabjerg, Head of eCommerce at roccamore
Roccamore is now working closely with the Postbuddy team to turn insights from their first campaign into a long-term strategy. Moving forward, when a customer meets certain criteria, a personalized letter is automatically triggered. The approach is simple: mirror the top-performing email flows and apply them to direct mail. Suddenly, the other half of the customer base is reached.
The integration between Postbuddy and Klaviyo makes the process seamless. In Klaviyo, roccamore are able to extend existing email flows with postcards - Abandoned Cart, Birthday, Low Stock etc.
With direct mail now a central pillar of their marketing strategy, we at Postbuddy can’t wait to see what they achieve next!
If you want to learn more about Postbuddy, reach us monday to sunday at christian@postbuddy.dk or +45 40 47 76 38.
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